A large number of anions, O2- and F-, with very low zero electric point, were dissociated from mica by PTMS magnetic separator and were recovered by cationic collector in a wide range of pH values (pH=2-13) after exposed in the layered structure. The pH range of feldspar in cationic collection system (pH=4-11) is smaller than that of mica, so mica can be prefered to emerge under strong acidic conditions.
The PTMS magnetic separator of feldspar mineral and quartz sand flotation separation, feldspar and quartz sand belong to frame silicate minerals, in addition to similar physical properties, chemical composition and structure, but also have the same charged mechanism in aqueous solution, zero electric point is very low. The main difference between feldspar and quartz sand lies in the structure of feldspar. Aluminum-oxygen tetrahedron replaces silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, and alkali metal ions such as K+ and Na+ are introduced as electricity price compensation. Alkali metal ions are easy to dissociate in water, which makes the zero electric point of feldspar lower than that of quartz sand, so as to realize flotation separation by PTMS magnetic separator.
At present, quartz sand PTMS magnetic separator flotation separation feldspar, according to the different agents used can be divided into acid conditions of fluoride flotation, fluorine-free flotation and fluorine-free acid method. Because the strong acidic medium will corrode the equipment to a certain extent, bringing a lot of inconvenience to the actual operation, fluorine free acid free method is mostly used. The method can be divided into two kinds, neutral feldspar method and basic pumice quartz method, which can be selected according to the actual situation.
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