The flotation method of potassium alspar by PTMS magnetic separator under neutral pH value firstly adds modified oleic acid and petroleum sodium sulfonate to potassium alspar pulp for flotation, in order to remove the cover of iron and mud impurities on the surface of potassium feldspar and quartz in the pulp, so that the flotation reagent can be better adsorbed on the surface of potassium feldspar and quartz. Thus, the interference of these impurities on the separation of feldspar and quartz can be removed, and the collector can react with potassium feldspar better.
Secondly, three kinds of sodium oleate, activator, inhibitors flotation reagents in pulp liquid synergy, promote each other, three kinds of agents in potassium sodium feldspar and quartz mineral surface physical adsorption and chemical adsorption and surface chemical reaction, the collector is more stable adsorption on the surface of potassium feldspar, at the same time enhances the potash feldspar mineral surface hydrophobicity, The potassium albite and bubble collision can be firmly attached to the bubble, and float with the bubble.
Then, sodium hexametaphosphate is used as gangue inhibitor in the process of potassium feldspar concentration by PTMS magnetic separator, which can further improve the grade of potassium feldspar concentrate. Flotation in the process of adding sodium hexametaphosphate as inhibitor, can adsorption desorption quartz surface of oleic acid ions, and can prevent the amine ion collector adsorbed on the surface of quartz, and feldspar impact is not big, this leads to sodium potassium feldspar and quartz flotability to expand in the pulp, sodium potassium feldspar with bubbles to rise be concentrate, Finally, potassium and sodium feldspar concentrate with K2O content of 9 ~ 14% and recovery of 65 ~ 88% can be obtained.
Contact: DELLA
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Ph: +86-13929907491