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ptms magnetic separator helps magnetization
Time: Nov 12,2023

Electromagnetic Separation for Quartz Processing line

The strong magnetic minerals in the PTMS magnetic separator field are subject to a large magnetic force, which can be used for the material to be treated by mechanical force and hydraulic agitation, and achieve high magnetic separation productivity. The greater the difference between the specific magnetization coefficient of magnetic minerals and non-magnetic minerals, and the greater the specific magnetization coefficient of magnetic minerals in the treated mineral stone, the easier the magnetic separation process will be.


The difference in the specific gravity of magnetic and non-alkaline minerals in the treated material also affects the magnetic separation process. According to the different conditions of the magnetic separation process of various PTMS magnetic separator, although the specific gravity conditions are opposite, they may promote the separation of magnetic and non-magnetic minerals, and may also hinder the separation of magnetic and non-magnetic minerals.

what is magnetic separation method?

The purpose of dewatering screening is to remove the moisture of the material, which is generally more common in coal washing plants. The roasted ore is an artificial magnet ore, and its magnetism is slightly lower than that of natural magnetite. In addition, compared with natural magnetite, calcined magnetite has large remanence and coercivity, but relatively small specific magnetization coefficient. Of course, the PTMS magnetic separator helps magnetization. The magnetic separator has a high recovery rate in the roasted ore, so that customers can benefit economically.

Contact: DELLA

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