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PTMS magnetic separator is suitable for the separation of large particle size and strong magnetic ore
Time: Aug 17,2023

water cooled electromagnetic Separator for Silica Sand

The maximum power of permanent magnet roller used in underground coal mine is 560KW. Permanent magnet roller is also called magnetic pulley, is a dry separation PTMS magnetic separator, suitable for the separation of large particle size strong magnetic ore, the particle size range of 10-75mm, the later appeared large magnetic pulley of the upper limit of separation particle size up to 350-400mm. In order to improve the grade of the ore, waste rock is removed from the rich ore before being put into the furnace.


PTMS magnetic separator PTMS magnetic separator is commonly used in magnetite concentrators to pre-separate the ore before entering the ball mill to select the waste rock in the mixed ore. The more waste rock is mixed into the ore, the more severe the ore dilution, if not pre-separation, waste rock into the ore processing will inevitably increase the cost of ore processing, reduce concentrate production, most magnetite separation plants are equipped with magnetic pulley pre-separation operations.

what is magnetic bead separation?

The weak magnetic iron ore is magnetized by roasting to convert it into artificial magnetite, and then grinding PTMS magnetic separator. The upper particle size limit of hematite block roasting in the furnace is generally 75mm, some large particle roasting reduction is incomplete, the core hematite has not been transformed into magnetite, and this part of hematite is easy to lose and reduce the recovery rate after entering the beneficiation.

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